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A New Hope for Overcoming Addiction

Feb 23


Savannah, GA Addiction, a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors, casts a shadow over countless lives. From the insidious grip of substance abuse to the quiet erosion of mental health, its impact is profound. At Lantana Recovery, we navigate this intricate terrain with compassion and expertise. Our Savannah mission transcends conventional recovery, embracing a holistic approach that addresses the roots of addiction. Here's how we address the addiction issue.

Through Assessment and Individualized Treatment Plans

Addiction can lead to negative physical and mental health consequences, strained relationships, financial difficulties, and difficulty functioning in daily life. Assessment and individualized treatment plans are important in addiction treatment, ensuring a tailored approach to address the unique needs of each individual. Through our extended services to local Savannah area clients, our Drug Rehab Savannah emphasizes the commitment to individualized care. By prioritizing assessments and tailored treatment plans, we are dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey to lasting recovery, acknowledging the uniqueness of each person's path to sobriety.

Through Therapeutic Interventions

Addiction can be a never-ending cycle of craving and using, causing the individual to prioritize the addiction over all else and neglecting important responsibilities and priorities. Therapeutic interventions encompass a range of evidence-based practices, including cognitive-behavioral, motivational enhancement, and family therapy, offering individuals coping mechanisms, emotional support, and strategies for sustainable recovery. We Savannah Drug Rehabs aim to create a therapeutic environment that promotes healing, personal growth, and long-term recovery. In doing so, we play a crucial role in fostering comprehensive and effective addiction treatment, emphasizing the importance of therapeutic interventions in the recovery journey.

Psychiatric Support

Individuals grappling with substance abuse frequently experience co-occurring psychiatric disorders, intensifying the challenges of recovery. Effective psychiatric intervention can uncover and manage coexisting conditions, facilitating a more comprehensive and sustainable recovery process. As a Savannah Drug Rehab, therapists recognize the crucial role of psychiatric support in addiction treatment. Through our extended psychiatric services in Savannah, we prioritize integrating psychiatric care into personalized treatment plans. This ensures that each individual receives specialized support for concurrent mental health issues, fostering a holistic approach to recovery.

Through Education and Counseling

Addiction presents a multifaceted challenge, often rooted in a lack of understanding about the condition and its impact. Education and counseling emerge as critical components in addiction treatment, offering individuals insights into the nature of addiction, coping mechanisms, and strategies for sustainable recovery. We extend our counseling services to those seeking treatment in Drug Rehab Savannah GA. We empower individuals to comprehend the intricacies of their addiction, fostering a foundation for lasting recovery.


Lantana Recovery
132 Stephenson Ave Suite 101, Savannah, GA 31405